Friday, February 3, 2012

Things to do when you don't see your bus for twenty minutes ..... and counting..

Check the time - Once in Two Minutes:
Yes. It helps to keep track of the time. So that you don't lose it. Do not read the books, do not listen to music, do not keep a check on the buses which are already in the bus stand, do not gape at beautiful girls (do not gape even if you are a girl and even if you are or not a lesbian) and the same thing applies if you are planning to gape at handsome guys. Just keep looking at your watch. If you hate watches, keep looking at your cellphones. If you are against being constantly connected, keep looking at the huge square, circular clocks in the bus stand. It does not matter if the time on the clock is accurate or not. Just have an eye on it. Slowly you will realize that you are not realizing anything.
Realization of unrealization is important. Also, it is important to realize that there are other things which are more least interesting than waiting for the darned bus to come. Like checking the time once in two minutes.

Inhale - Exhale:
Of course you would do it even without the tip. But there is more to this particular type of 'Inhale-Exhale' that I am talking about. This is something similar to what 'Art of Living' says - Give attention to inhaling and exhaling. You will not realize anything for the first couple of minutes (you can check the time - see the first tip). Slowly, you will start smelling smells which you did not know earlier existed. The first smell to hit you will be the wet pungent smell of the dustbin which is situated ten feet away. The second smell will be slightly confusing.
"Well well. I can smell the dustbin. But what is it with it? Is that a rotten tomato? Hmm. Probably it came with the sandwich. Sandwich?! How did I know there was a sandwich? Ah! I can smell stale cheese. That's right! And... chicken too ! So that was a chicken sandwich? Probably. Some onions too. Someone was really desperate to buy a sandwich in the bus stand. They ate the sandwich with the dust. Or.. they just ate the dust and threw the sandwich which is why I can smell the rotten tomatoes, the chicken, the onion, the cheese, but I cannot smell the dust. I think I am delusional! Now I am smelling a dead dog !"
Ok. Get back to just inhaling and exhaling. You boring piece of pig turd ! Huh !

Get Caught By The Cop:
Any city or town or village that you are in, you will definitely find a bar or a pub just a few meters away from the bus stand. All you need to do when you get bored is to go, have a drink, if possible - run away without paying the money, and sit in the bus stand in a place where everyone can see you and you can see everyone. Especially the cops. Sit still till the cops decide on just taking a walk. The moment you see a big belly and a long brown stick, get up, walk up to the big belly, and start a conversation. The topic can be as innocuous as, "Why do you have such a big tummy?" to as dangerous as "Do you actually think you are a cop?". A very important point here is to not stand still. Gravity should keep pulling you - once from the left and once from the right - and ensure that you lean on air, you lean on the tired, frustrated, passengers, you lean on the stick the man - who hopefully is a cop - is holding. Lean. That is the key. Talk. That is another key. And yawn. That's yet another BIG key. And don’t worry.
Remember that the police is for OUR safety. They will keep you SAFE! And most importantly, they will also relieve you of your boredom.
Eat. Talk.
If there is one activity that can charge even the best of the minds, it is eating. Ok, make it two. If there two activities that can charge the best of the minds, they are eating and talking. They are more effective when done together. Go to the earlier talked about sandwich shop, buy a sandwich, it doesn't matter what sandwich it is, stuff your mouth with a huge piece, call up your wife (or your husband.. depending on your preference and taste), shout at her (or him.. depending on how you want to perceive them), spill the pieces in your mouth on the floor, do not bother if you are spraying others with the saliva pasted sandwich bits, give them a cold stare for staring at you (how mannerless they are, eh?!), apologize (not to the sprayed but to your wife/husband), but say that you have just been bad when you could have been worse, snigger, and bang the phone down.
Throw the half eaten sandwich into the dustbin and hope that someone will do the Inhale-Exhale exercise.
Now, this is not the end of the list. There are better ones. And I hope I will be coming with them to you soon,

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