Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Doggone Future - 1

The story of a dog managing to change the future of the world might surprise you. In fact, it would be surprising if it does not surprise you at all. A dog doing anything other than what a dog is supposed to be doing can be surprising - getting newspapers from the shops excluded, that is (or in this case, was, has been, whatever) the norm these (those) days - apart from that, anything would not just be surprising, but painfully shocking as well.
(Now that is how you abuse a word. I have used 'surprising' so many times, it is already causing unbearable nausea - to you and ME too!)
But well, everything's got to end. Everything has got to change. Someday. And it definitely did.

After the incident of the Appallingly Confusing Tuesday, henceforth to be called ACT, the world was never the same. I still remember the lack of shock - which in itself was shocking to me - and the absence of chaos after the tremendous amount of change the ACT had caused. Humans were never this, erm..well, unpredictable. You could definitely say when they would kill and when they would not. Yes, the details sometimes differed, but all in all, there was a definite pattern they liked to follow. For example, a human being would go like -

"Hey ! I think what I am saying is right ! Well. I just don' think what I say is right, I believe it to be right. It is not just a belief, it is a strong faith! Unshakable. Not even the strongest earthquake can bring it down. Umm.. what? You are asking me how am I so sure? Well.. our prophet said so ! Don't you dare say he might have been wrong ! That's sacrilege ! You must die !"

BOOM. Rattttatttatttaattaat. BOOM. 

See what I am getting at? Humans always have tended to behave in a certain pattern - which makes them so darned predictable. You give a dog a loaf of bread, it will hang its tongue out and wait for you to give another one. You give a man something to die for, he will either kill you or he will kill himself in the process of killing you. It is as straight and simple as that. No deviations. There might be certain samples of anomalies, but the humans generally take care of that. They tend to dislike anomalies. 

"You are so different.. Hmm.. You must be evil ! Die devil die !"

They are pretty easy going that way. No complications. Just plain old herd mentality. Run. Stampede. Or be killed. Just plain old barbarism. If I don't know, it probably is wrong. If I can't believe, it probably should not exist. Sure, there were also people who said this was all wrong. But they were taken care of. Anomalies. Remember?

So, all in all, as I said earlier, it was rather interesting to see that the ACT had not caused any sort of a concern. People went on with their lives as if nothing had happened. They got up in the morning, some had coffee, some had tea, some had water just so that they could pay a visit to the lavatory, some picked a quarrel with their wife, some picked quarrels with all their wives, some just hated getting up and hanged themselves, some had sex, and some had sex and went back to bed, some switched on the TV and muttered to themselves, "What is going on this world? I think it is time for apocalypse"

Yes. Nothing much had changed. At the same time, a lot had changed too. It was something like a dozen puppies popping out of the bitch, and the bitch wanting to eat every one of them. The world had gone nuts while actually believing it was always this way.

And some people got up in the morning, took their dogs for a walk, collected their turd, came back home to find their wife in bed with someone, and asked themselves, "What would the daughter of god do in this case?". A while later they started cursing and crying.

Ah. Now I get your attention. Yes. I said Daughter Of God. Don't abbreviate it to say DOG. It does not mean a god damned thing.

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