Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hearsay, Heresy.. and well.. whatever.

His belief in acting strange so that people will not shudder in revulsion when they discover some of his eccentricities was not very abnormal. This belief made him talk in a way people do not want to hear, behave in a manner people can only dream about behaving, and sing with a voice which is best left to the most horrible imaginations a sadist could conjure. Every sentient being in the known universe probably does that, what do you call it, defence mechanism?

But he was not limited to just strange behaviour. Sometimes he also came up with philosophical statements which were, err… well, how can you put it, pretentious?

Like an instance when he famously told his boss, "Do you think it is ok to shout aloud so that not even you can hear your echos?"

The small group of people who were unfortunately around to hear this thought 'provoking' statement swear that they actually saw the boss looking at Vinayaka Rama with a stare which could have been translated to, "Either you think you are too smart, or you believe I am really stupid. For this act of stupidity of yours, I am going to see to it that you are hanged till death".

Before the boss could phrase a befitting statement for a harsh reply, Vinayaka Rama had continued with his pondering which would have had the capability to change the history of world, if and only if he had said that God had told this to him. He had not said that, precisely, Vinayaka Rama had not said that, and not God.

"But I do think that is stupid. If I shout aloud to cover my echos, won't my shouting aloud come back to me as an echo which is louder than the echo I am trying to stop? I think it will lead to too much of noise which is ultimately too loud to hear and unworthy enough to make any kind of sense out of it"

Rumours have that that is when the boss told Vinayaka Rama to shut up and reminded him that he is paid to work and not to mouth statements which doesn’t say anything in fact. There are also rumours which go to the extent of saying that Vinayaka Rama countered that by saying that that is all we do - say things that don’t say much as no one wants to be the one person who has said stuff that came back to haunt him for the rest of his life. Of course, the minutes of the meeting did not document all these as it was not an official meeting and the small group of people who were present there were not supposed to be officially present, which is why, their statements cannot be termed 'official', which is another word for 'stamped to be the truth'. Unofficially, their statements were validated and found to be very close to the events that occurred. However, these statements were not recorded for the simple reason that they were unofficial, and any shade of truth which is unofficial can only be classified as, hearsay, or in extreme cases, heresy.

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