Sunday, May 15, 2011

Vinayaka Rama and his Poor Wretched Soul

Vinayaka Rama had a very bleak outlook towards life. In fact it was so bleak, even dusk seemed a lot brighter and cheerful. Even the best of the torches miserably failed in their endeavor to lighten him up.

 "There is nothing wrong" he used to say when people asked him in a concerned voice if everything was alright and he would continue, "There is no point in anything being right or wrong. Anything that happens, happens and we are no one to say if it is right or wrong".

Any sensible man would at that point leave Vinayaka Rama to himself and get back to whatever important that he was doing. Some people think they are more compassionate and decide to help the poor wretched soul.

"Don’t be negative. Don’t be pessimistic"

That was all Vinayaka Rama needed. He started with the supposed myth of optimism, debunked every piece of it, proved how life has no meaning, tore apart every positive nerve in the compassionate person’s body and finally left him a poor wretched soul like himself.

Sometimes his soul would take exception when it heard the 'poor wretched soul' part because it thought souls were energy.

"Energy cant be wretched" it energetically used to think.

After repeatedly hearing 'poor wretched soul' and understanding that it cannot change the way people perceived Vinayaka Rama, it got used to the phrase and thought of killing itself due to the dissatisfaction it was experiencing in Vinayaka Rama's mind, before realizing to its horror that it can’t die.

"Energy cannot be destroyed" sighed the PWS (Poor. Wretched. Soul.) very de-energized.

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